Monday, December 22, 2008





《拜拜》范玮琪 / 词:林夕 / 曲:Necia Bray/Van Hunt

裤子失去皮带 才懂得对它依赖
时针停了更明白 时间过的多快
两个空空口袋 让我们跑得更快
站在空空的山脉 更容易看海

(说)拜拜 是为了再期待
会过去 是为了容纳将来

让一切都失去 证明他曾存在
就让一句拜拜 交换未来(未来)

买了多年的品牌 停止贩卖
电视机给弄坏 忽然分清楚黑白
背著空虚的背包 才爬得上来
不断告诉我自己 随时离得开

《Bye Bye》词曲:Will 黄威尔

不要再想得太多 不要对说
我们都爱过对方 比自己多

其实是因为寂寞 才拥抱过
不如留个美丽回忆 当成永久

Bye Bye 就这样结束我们的爱
趁现在 没有伤害

Bye Bye 就这样结束我们的爱
很快 就各自精彩

反正再爱得更多 也没有结果
反正你大可爱上 另一个男孩
反正幸福的感觉 我学不来

Tuesday, December 16, 2008



《石榴裙下》黄威尔 featuring 阿飞 / 词:李志清 / 曲:黄威尔






我们都败给你了 在你的石榴裙下


我们都败给你了 在你的石榴裙下

Monday, December 15, 2008

I wanna be a star

有留意2008娱协奖的你们应该不会对这首歌感到陌生吧!这是首一听就会喜欢上,并且还会跟着哼唱的好歌。 又一首李志清全词曲创作,歌词写的正是众大马歌手们的心声啊!可惜品冠最后没参与录音工作,有点遗憾。大马歌手们,你们全都是我们的 SUPERSTAR


(李志清) 会唱歌 / 我还要会写歌 / 生存在娱乐圈的功夫必须很了得

(罗忆诗) 失败要爬起 / 成功要谦虚 / 努力了之后也不懂 / 有没有人晓得
(光良) 没关系 / 有辛酸有苦涩 / 那故事才能精彩得让所有人记得
(易桀齐) 别人看不起 / 梦想撑到底 / 我知道有一天 / 我肯定会发光发热
(曹格) I Wanna Be A Star / 掌声为我轰炸 / 用音乐让全世界瞬间被感动溶化
(梁静茹) 让沙漠都开花 / 坏孩子变听话 / 感谢你对我的崇拜已经无法自拔
(林宇中) We Wanna Be A Star / 把荣耀带回家 / Be With Us / 有你的爱我们什麼都不怕
(罗忆诗) 闪光灯停不下 / 笑得我脸发麻 / 有你们才能让我们所有的梦想 / 变得伟大
(伍家辉) 会唱歌 / 我还要会写歌 / 生存在娱乐圈的功夫必须很了得
(谢婉婷) 失败要爬起 / 成功要谦虚 / 努力了之后也不懂 / 有没有人晓得
(黄浚源) 没关系 / 有辛酸有苦涩 / 那故事才能精彩得让所有人记得
(黄威尔) 别人看不起 / 梦想撑到底 / 我知道有一天 / 我肯定会发光发热
(许俾文) I Wanna Be A Star / 掌声为我轰炸
(童欣) 用音乐让全世界瞬间被感动溶化
(温力铭) 让沙漠都开花 / 坏孩子变听话
(李吉汉) 感谢你对我的崇拜已经无法自拔
(张起政) We Wanna Be A Star / 把荣耀带回家
(黎升铭) Be With Us / 有你的爱我们什麼都不怕
(二号旋) 闪光灯停不下 / 笑得我脸发麻
(马嘉轩) 有你们才能让我们所有的梦想 / 变得伟大
I Wanna Be A Star / 掌声为我轰炸 / 用音乐让全世界瞬间被感动溶化
让沙漠都开花 / 坏孩子变听话 / 感谢你对我的崇拜已经无法自拔
We Wanna Be A Star / 把荣耀带回家 / Be With Us / 有你的爱我们什麼都不怕
闪光灯停不下 / 笑得我脸发麻 / 有你们才能让我们所有的梦想 / 变得伟大

Sunday, December 14, 2008





《友谊万岁》词/曲:Will 黄威尔

一开始 从未开始
只可以 相偎相依
有福同享 有难同当

头可破 血可流
促膝长谈 把酒当歌

是情人 是朋友 谁左右

友谊万岁 只好安慰自己
我很高兴 可以认识你

我和你 男和女
演一出戏 唱一首歌

是情人 是朋友 谁左右

友谊万岁 只好安慰自己
我很高兴 可以认识你

友谊万岁 我欺骗我自己
想要更多 不敢告诉你

P/S:谁是Will黄威尔?2008娱协奖最佳新人咯!还是金奖的那个咧!还有啊,写《差一点》给阿杜唱到街知巷闻的那位咯 =)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

For a second

... I thought the titanium bracelet thingie really worked. The paper bag I bring to office everyday felt so much lighter on my right hand than on the left.

I got home, only to realize that, I left my Wacom Bamboo Fun in the office.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Street Photography

Street photography is something I read about from a photography magazine recently. It's also an area which I find pretty interesting.

(1/1000 sec at f3.5, ISO 1600)

Nothing much to brag about with this shot. Very ordinary view with very simple Photoshop adjustments. It's a street mall nearby my work area. Picked from several trial shots and this one happens to have a silhouette of a by-passer, making it a rather interesting composition.

The ISO 1600 was a mistake. I shouldn't be relying too much on the high ISO settings. A lesson learned and I'll be more aware next time.

Monday, December 1, 2008


My first ever bokeh shot.

(1/200 sec at f/6, ISO 1,600)

What exactly is it? Well something you can find in your house.

Tips: Study the things you see everyday, they might turn out inspiring and worthwhile to be captured. Play around and be creative with manual focus.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Sandals

Nothing. Just a pair of sandals.
(1/60 sec at f/5. ISO 1,600. Photoshoped.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Feeling arty

And you get these.

Antiques and artifacts
(1/20 sec at f/4, ISO 1,600, edited in Photoshop to create a more nostalgic mood)

Grab your favorite camera, walk around your house -- your living room, your kitchen, your dining room, your bathroom; look at the ceiling, the floor, the wall, the roof. Stand in the corners of the room and look through your camera viewfinder, be amazed by how ordinary things that you see everyday can turn utterly unusual. The next thing you do, you press the shutter release.

Ceiling light
(1/40 sec at f/4, ISO 100)

Out of the house.

(1/200 sec at f/4.5, ISO 1,600)

Lunch in a sunday afternoon
(1/40 sec at f/4, ISO 200)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lefty - Day #2

Well my brother's wrist support has a size L, it couldn't hold my wrist firm enough and tended to hurt a little while moving my arm around. Paid a visit to a nearby pharmacy and bought one with a size M. I was skeptic about getting a smaller size as it might be too tight and wouldn't be comfortable. Turned out it's a perfect fit!

Yes it is tight but that's exactly what it's designed for - to compress your wound and to ease the swelling. I also iced it Sunday night before wearing the new wrist support.

I have been wearing it for a day now and I must say it really works. I don't feel much pain unless I move my palm at some really odd angle or got some small knocks. I can operate my PC fine. Typing is a little slower but manageable. Using the pen tablet isn't an issue at all and it only makes me appreciate my Bamboo Fun even more! Bathing is somewhat challenging but once you get the hang of it, it's just another day in life. I only find it hard to reach for my left shoulder and it's almost impossible to clean my left arm with, just, a left arm.

Wringing out a wet towel is another challenging feat. It takes some practicing, but still you can't expect a properly wrung out towel with just one hand. I can live with that.

I believe my wrist will get better later in the week. On the other hand (no pun intended), you'll be surprised how many things you can do with just one, non-dominant hand.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hiya, Lefty!

Kinda hurt my wrist a little in a futsal game this afternoon. Made a good save but paid the price. Borrowed a wrist support from my brother and this is how it looks like right now.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cool Stuff 4, anyone?

Just four months ago I attended this Adobe Masters Tour 2008 at KL Tower, the 'Masters' (Rufus Deuchler, Jason Levine and Greg Rewis) were still uncertain about whether there will be a CS4 in the near future.

"We think CS3 is so good that we do not really need a CS4..." that's roughly what they said during the show.

Yeah right and guess what? Four months later, BOOM! Here comes CS4.

Shortcut to Brilliant?

The official launch.

The lounge and the crowd.

Entering the hall.

The thing that keeps everyone stay till the very end of the event.

Some nice arrangement.

Coffee or tea?

The hall and the stage.

Ashley Wearne, MD of Adobe SEA giving opening speech. He claims that the 'CS' in CS4 actually stands for 'Cool Stuff'.

The first speaker of the day - Tim Cole. Tim says he made Malaysian Curry from scratch back in Seattle. (Big deal!)

Emcee entertaining the crowd by playing the popular 'Deal or no deal' game with a lucky attendee. Inside one of the boxes is a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS4.

My lunch at Old Town White Coffee opposite the hotel. It's like an 'express' Old Town, Nasi Lemak Special is served in a pre-packed tray. Completing the meal is the Adobe CS4 questionnaire and a water bottle door gift.

Karl Soule silencing the crowd before he reveals something real COOL! Btw, check out his laptop.

Paul Burnett giving out some goodies.

Paul says he is Aussie and he doesn't say 'Howdy' like fellow Americans Tim and Karl do. Aussies say 'Good day!'.

Paul improvising some lame magic show with the twins from Adobe SEA.

The masters unite.

'Are you trying to say that my magic sucks huh, Karl?'

Shortcut to Brilliant - A Success Story

Sunday, November 2, 2008

同在大城的爱 那样遥远 然而搭着台的人 这样近


《搭台》词:周耀辉 曲:阿牛

茶餐廳的伙計 難得抖氣
熱駌鴦的蒸汽 這一刻多優美
就算客飯 也有你
沉默如奶麥 甜蜜就如菜蜜
同在大城的你 那樣陌生
誰令誰信任 誰又令誰缺憾
同在大城的愛 那樣遙遠
然而搭著台的人 這樣近

油占多的香氣 這一刻多詭秘
就會庇佑 再見你

沉默如奶麥 甜蜜就如菜蜜
同在大城的你 那樣陌生
誰令誰信任 誰又令誰缺憾
同在大城的愛 那樣遙遠
然而搭著台的人 這樣近

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Unlikely Leo is back, roaring!

Roar! Roar!

Having been suspended for almost half a month, my webhost service is finally reinstated. Unlikely Leo is back in business!

Pretty much thanks to Jay Chou, I just uploaded his new mp3 and my bandwidth went up to a whopping 197GB! Imagine 197GB of data being downloaded from a website in less than a week, that's 80,000+ downloads of just one song. I certainly underestimated Jay Chou.

I can only afford a basic package, which only allows a maximum bandwidth of 100GB, and that, consequently, lead to a suspension. While that Jay Chou's mp3 might not be the only reason to the excessive bandwidth usage, it's most likely to have caused the trouble.

It's November now and my account has been reinstated and I'm back blogging. It's been an eventful October, let's hope for a better month.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

《稻香》词曲:周杰伦 Key:A major

为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色

笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里

所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢

哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Into the boxes. Into the trays.

Cleaning up my room is such a herculean task.

On day 1 of my holiday, I spent more than 12 hours cleaning up just part of the room, including the desk and some other stuff that has been around for 10 years.

When was my last time cleaning up my room? I asked myself this question and I couldn't answer.

The mess is immense, and the dust is overwhelming.

I transferred stuff from crumpled paper boxes into plastic
storage boxes. This allowed me to sort out items and only keep those that are useful and the unwanted ones into the bin.

Again I stumbled into the same crossroad many times - what to keep and what to dump.

There are things that look useful, but the fact is you have never used them for years. The ever tricky part is you'll never know you'd need to use them tomorrow.

Checking out on a box full of paperwork, notes, exercise books, photographs and commemorative booklets left over from my school days sent me into the passage of time. It made me think of my classmates. How many of them that I'm still in touch with? The number is pathetic.

Then there were the sketches, messages and notes taken on stacks of rough papers. You'll never know how naive you were back then and how much you have changed after so many years. It's now only I realized I've wasted so much paper during school days. That's a whole lot of trees!

I remember starting the cleaning after lunch, about 3, and I was still working after the hour hand of the clock made a roundtrip.

I had a hard time sorting out the items into types and classes. I did my best and for those that I couldn't, I put them into another box and I will come back to do the sorting later. The see-thru plastic boxes should keep me aware of what's inside the box and what needs to be put away one day.

At least I have a cleaner looking desk now and enough room for my Bamboo Fun graphic tablet.

I did these sketches with my tablet in Windows Journal. It's a rough plan of my room and the progress of the spring clean. Again I have to apologize because it's in Chinese as I did not think of posting it online.

(Pardon my handwriting.)

I must say drawing and sketching with a pen tablet is so much easier in comparison with the stubburn mouse. The pressure sensor works like a charm and you are in total control of how and where your strokes go. Notetaking and sketching on a PC has never been so much fun!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

下午茶(完结篇)Tea break: The finale









像KFC新的Spice Crunch炸鸡、Bestari的Indomie Burger、芋头糕、京都西饼的鮪鱼Pizza和询众要求再次出场的印度煎律和珍珠奶茶都是这个月的经典茶点。下星期一EV提议的的烧鸡翅想必定能为这三个月下午茶任务划下完美的句点!

  • 许多热心同事给予的建议。太多人了无法一一列明,不好意思。
  • Michael小弟,我们星期三的“职业跑腿”。没有你这三个月的茶点肯定无聊到了极点。你是最好的,你知道吗?
  • Kevin、小戴Tay、Ian、Andrew和James。感谢你们的仗义相助,当我们的临时跑腿。
  • 远在美国的佩玲给予的线上协助。没有你的经验,有几次的茶点可要夭折了,哈哈!
  • 负责烹煮及善后清洁工作的阿姨Kak Siti。没有你的烹饪功夫,咖喱鱼蛋和鸡肉丸粥是不可能会成功的!
  • 更要感谢组员Adrian和EV。你们不单只是我的好组员,更是好同事、好朋友!


Out of stock

Paid another visit to IKEA today, hoping to finally get some basket inserts after a disappointing last visit.

Turns out the basket insert has run out of stock. That explains why I couldn't find any of them in store just six days ago.

I certainly did not expect it to be out of stock this soon, I still saw abundance of them a couple of weeks ago. I guess its one of the hot selling items in store right now, in conjunction with the Hari Raya festive celebration.

A staff told me they are expecting arrival of new stock some time next month. I ended up buying something else instead, at least there's still something to keep the stuff on my desk in place for the time being.

The queue at the check-out was long as usual.

Upon leaving the carpark, I inserted the wrong parking ticket into the machine. After a dozen attempts only I realized I have been inserting the parking ticket from my workplace. What a dumbass I was!

I ended up being 30 minutes late to the futsal game in Sports Planet, Sunway.

A short note on the lunch I had in IKEA: the meatballs are yummy!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

IKEA replied

With all the attempts of resending over resending, finally one of the mails slipped through and a person-in-charge replied. Here's how it reads:

Dear Yeong,

Thank you for your interest and support with IKEA.

First and foremost, please allow me to apologize for your experience with us on your visit here on the September 21, 2008.

We will continue to remind all co-workers to be more mindful and polite when attending to our customers. We have also taken up your feedback with the respective managers, for them to action and brief to all co-workers .

Again I apologize for your experience. Please also allow me to assure you that we value your support and appreciate your feedback to us.

Kindly do reply us to let us know on the quantity of the Antionus basket insert that you would like to purchase together with your contact number, for us to follow-up and assist your purchase.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Best Regards,
IKANO Power Centre.

Thanks Meka! You could have just let me know if there's still stock and exactly where the item is located. I'd always prefer to get the item myself. But still I appreciate the reply =)

Take the stairs, not the elevator

Climbing the stairway of a 12-storey building ain't so tough after all.

It's just my second attempt climbing the stairs of my office building. My personal high: 3 rounds.

Or to be more precise: 2 + 1 rounds. (2 rounds back-to-back, another round 30 minutes later.)

The 2nd round was remarkably tiring and exhausting, as I started jogging up instead of walking.

My legs were sore and I was gasping for air as I reached the roof top for the second time.

I could barely walk down the stairs, my legs were literally shaking.

Then I went back to the office, rested for a good 30 minutes and got some work done.

I thought it was enough for the day. But then on second thought, why not go for a 3rd round?

Put up my wireless headphones and off I went!

This time it was much easier. I tried climbing 2 steps at a time, when I felt tired, I took a step at a time.

I'm surprised to learn that climbing from the first to the twelfth floor or the roof top takes just less than 5 minutes! I barely finished listening to one song.

It feels so great when you reached the top and you know that you can do it for real.

I could have climbed the 4th round but it was late in the night and I had to go home. I guess I have to try again next time. Alex said he can go 9 rounds!

9 rounds is madness! But it's definitely doable.

I was waiting for the elevator as I left the office, and then I thought, "Heck! Why wait for the bloody lift?". As a result, I walked down.

Just for the record, I took 2 rounds on my first attempt, 2 weeks ago.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Miserable Sunday

Gone medical checking. My first ever medical check, will get my report in a week's time.


Spent over 45 minutes just to buy a meal at the KFC Drive-Thru - 30 in the car, 15 standing in the rain. I could have gotten my meal in 5 minutes if I ordered from the counter. I have to say this, "KFC Drive-Thru" sucks!

Went to a Magnum 4D shop on my way home. I don't buy lottery. I went there because I got FREE lottery tickets to redeem and today is the last day! I got it from taking part in an online contest and it's only for those born on the
8th of August. I showed the ladies at the counter the e-mail I printed out but none of them know nothing about it and no one acknowledged it. Sigh!

Back home
So I was late for the live telecast of the Badminton Super Series in Japan. It started raining cats and dogs and Astro went into coma mode. My dad told me Lee Chong Wei played badly. Yeah whatever! 30 minutes later Astro was back in business and the game already finished. I switched to another channel and watched the Guinness 9-ball tour, also live.

My Sunday plan continues.

I went to IKEA looking to get some more Antonius basket inserts. I bought one 2 weeks ago but today it's no where to be seen in the store. The staff I asked refused to offer help because they said they are from different department... but that department no ppl there wor!!!

This is silly. My worst IKEA experience ever and I'm going to file a complaint.

What is a basket insert?!!
It's a partitioned organizing unit you put in your drawer. It really helps keep my stuff in place on my desk and it's only RM5.

In real life

Hair dryers, again!

So I left IKEA empty handed and my next stop was Harvey Norman. I bought this new hair dryer, which happens to be the newer version of the broken one. Check it out:

Left - old. Right - new. Same layout, every view.

One National. One Panasonic. They're the same, so don't panic!

Dual voltage. The new one looks shinier, but lower in power output (1000W to 1200W) yet somehow more expensive (RM74 to RM68)!

Saturday, September 20, 2008







Ultimately, everything breaks.

You can't bank on anything, can you?

I've got 3 things went broken in this very week.

  1. National EH5062A Hair Dryer 5 years+
    Do you still see National branded products? Ha-ha now you can tell how old it is. Bought in 2003 if my memory serves me right. (Edited: March 21, 2003 confirmed!) I've been using it everyday throughout the years and it's been traveling with me to places like Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

    Was blow-drying my hair on Tuesday. All of a sudden, I heard a cracking sound inside the device followed by some loud rattling noise and then it smoked! I guess it'd had enough already so it's time to scout for a new one.

  2. Sonic Gear Tatoo 303 PC Speaker 7 months
    My best companion at work (Was. Now Logitech FreePulse Wireless Headphones and the Bamboo Fun!). At just RM35, you can't ask for more from this little 3-piece PC speaker system. The tiny 5-watt sub-woofer doesn't deliver the dance floor experience but it certainly does the job on the office desk.

    Not sure what caused the malfunction though. I often forgot to turn it off and left it on over the night and sometimes the weekend so maybe that's why. But the fact is my 8-year-old Altec Lansing speaker is still rocking and I never turn it off unless there is a power outage. I'll send it to All-IT tomorrow anyways.

  3. Lexma 7-port stackable USB hub 3 months
    Got this as a replacement for my still-under-repair Belkin USB hub, and it died even sooner! In just 3 months it's no longer working now. The power outage a couple of nights ago is very likely to have contributed certain degree of damage. Thanks, TNB, but no thanks. I'll send it to ALL-IT and will check out the status of my Belkin hub.

Latest updates on the spring cleaning. I'm at 2% after Wednesday.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Broken... and fixed. Or so has it?

I was replacing a CPU fan for my brother's PC.

My brother has been complaining about a noisy CPU fan.

So I bought this CPU fan (with white LEDs) from Low Yat Plaza last Sunday and replaced it with one of the fans on the CPU casing.

The noise was still there.

And then I thought, "Oh maybe it's the heat sink."

Brilliant idea! So I removed the heat sink from the mobo, the processor came off all together as it was sort of 'glued' to it courtesy of the layer of thermal grease.

I'm not really a hardware person and I don't have much experience dealing with processors, heat sinks and mobo's, so I thought everything was just normal.

I took a good look at the heat sink and came to realization that there was nothing I could do about it. Ok so let's put it back.

You can't put the heat sink back with the processor still sticking on it man!

Yeah I learned that a week later.

And so, disaster struck. The PC wouldn't boot.

I removed the heat sink and checked the processor again, a number of pins were bent. I tried straightening them with a screwdriver to no avail.

Failing to eliminate a problem, I created another one.

Sent the CPU to a local PC shop for checkup, this dude (with a bad breath) told me that this line of processors and mobo's have long ceased production, a simple replacement ain't possible. Asked him if he could fix the processor and he said hell no. He checked the processor and too many pins were badly bend so this dude just didn't wanna risk any chance breaking an obsolete product.

I'm now completely on my own.

I brought back the CPU and painstakingly straighten each and every pin that was bent. After a couple of attempts the PC finally boots up normally.

What a sigh of relief.

So I have just fixed something that I broke, but will I always be this lucky?

Many mistakes in real life, once done, just can't be undone. Every wrong step you take comes consequences - some will fade away in time, some will haunt you (and the parties involved) for the rest of our lives.

Be careful of what you are about to say, privately or publically, written or verbally, and do not hesitate to bear the consequence of what you have said, when things turn sour.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A spring clean started in the fall

Finally started to sort out the mess in my room. Boy you can't possibly imagine how cluttered my room can be.

It all began with the desk. Water bottles, CDs, cables, shaver, hair dryer, toilet rolls, books, letters, brochures, anything you can think of, you can find it on my desk, that's how messy it is.

I got my Bamboo Fun a couple days ago, I must make room for it or it will stay in my office for good =(

I put away stacks of CD Albums, had them sorted nicely in a storage box. That's just 1% of the entire mess in the room. I'll need more boxes, lots and lots of boxes.

Years of stuff, trash and dust. What to keep, what to dump. It's gonna be tough and it's gonna be dirty, but it must also be done.

I'm dreaming of a clean, tidy, organized and dust-proof bedroom. Let's hope it's gonna materialize. Goodness knows when that would be.

Well, at just 1%, there won't be much different though.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008








Thursday, September 4, 2008







《无瑕》歌手:南拳妈妈 / 专辑:藏宝图 / 词:宋健彰(弹头)/ 曲:詹宇豪

听歌 Play...

(独白:我会永远记得 你曾带给我 这段完美无瑕的日子)



爱分隔天地 要怎么爱你

想种一朵无瑕 窗外篱笆 雨要怎么下
离别时的晚霞 风还在刮 谁为谁牵挂
想画一抹无瑕 墨怎么洒 笔该怎么下
我送你的年华 还留着吗 记载我俩的无瑕

Monday, September 1, 2008




















Saturday, August 30, 2008



“这么大,该不会“打过针”(注射过)的吧?“ 一位同事这么说。







  • 足足活了9855天(我不是个爱庆祝生日的人,但还是要感谢同事们的心思和鬼主意。)
  • 二十余天高潮迭起的奥运。
  • 下午茶事件。
  • 波比花园风波。
  • 新旧同事纷纷离去。
  • 大老板大寿。
  • 旧同事“碑梨妹”美指时装商店新张。
  • 第二届国际烟花比赛(这个我倒没参与。)
  • 爱薇尔世界巡回演唱会。(这我也没去。)
  • 具争议性的“丽星邮轮”计划。
  • 夜班 Final Year Project 开课。(隔了大半年,终究还是要面对了。)
  • 停滞不前的理想。
  • 国庆。(吓?国庆到了吗?)




Tuesday, August 12, 2008









生活 嘛!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008
















“掀起了你的盖头来……” 我要继续听歌咯!



Haven't been blogging for, like, a week or two? Feels like a long time to me.

I got my Credit Card statement today. The envelope was open when I first picked it up from the piano in my living room. Dad explained it got wet in the mailbox, kudos to the afternoon shower.

Skimming through the sheets of papers, I quickly noticed some anomaly. The statement is unusually empty, unlike the statements I
previously received.

Gas payments aside, I have had only ONE transaction last month! That tells how much a workaholic I must have been in the past couple of weeks.

Well at least I get to save up. Not too bad but then, I need a life!

Sunday, July 13, 2008











Nando's Espetada

At Nando's, their chicken is 'well hung'!

[July 12, 2008]

TV Typo

Guess what? Even National Geographic makes mistake.

[July 9, 2007]

Sunday, July 6, 2008


终于吃到了久违的“焖饭加猪肉”!好感动、好想哭 T_T 哈哈!


就在Paramount O&S附近、月光河小炒隔壁,我找回失散已久的回忆。哈哈没有啦,其实也只不过是一年多以前的事情。





[June 18, 2008]

照片稍稍PS过了。原图有些失焦,忘了切换特写镜头 =P

Saturday, June 28, 2008

五年前的歌 五年后的心情



录demo的过程还是老样子 —— 不是歌词老唱错,就是吉他老弹错,要不然就是莫名其妙生起痰来,或什么东西忽然又发出什么噪音的……总而言之,没有一次是百分之百零缺点的就是了。



听歌 Play...

听歌 Play...


喧哗热闹的SS2 今天看起来特别冷清孤独
是不是 因为没有了你的缘故

你开了四个小时长途 去到了遥远的关丹的度假屋
两天的公共假期 和你家人共度

在这个没有你的国度 天气忽然冷了好几十度
我又有 什么资格去在乎

在你的心里 是否只有他一个人在长住
而我 只能在你心门外徘徊而不能留宿
曾经的投入 原来只是一厢情愿的付出
告诉我 在你失眠的时候
是不是 他在与你编织着爱情的蓝图

在我的心里 至今都还是没人住的空房屋
期待 有一天你在门外停下了脚步
仔细的阅读 为你写在心深处的祝福
因为我清楚 他在你心里的位置

因为我清楚 你在我心里的位置

Instant Widescreen in less than 60 seconds

Craving for a widescreen LCD monitor but don't have the cash? Convert your normal LCD to a widescreen one, it only takes a few seconds! Here's how:
  1. Right click on your Taskbar, make sure the Lock the Taskbar option is unchecked.

  2. Place your mouse cursor at the border between your Taskbar and your desktop. A Vertical Resize cursor should appear, Click and drag it upwards for about 5-6 steps.

  3. Presto! You just made yourself a widescreen display. Now simply maximize your browser window, or any other windows that you wish to work on. You'll get an approximate 16:9 widescreen. Enjoy!

Check out my widescreen display on a 19" Dell LCD. LoL!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1-dollar Coin Eater

If you still have some old, ugly, bulky, heavy, stinky, phased-out one-dollar coins and you can't wait to get rid of them, look no further.

Just hang out at Desa Sri Hartamas, and look for this ancient coin eater.

Oh NO I wasn't in a museum.

Does this remind you of your (dad's) good ol' days? Just insert coins and wind. Simple, but it works, and most importantly, it still works!

Now you've just got one more reason to visit Desa Sri Hartamas. SOULed OUT, anyone?

Btw, an 1-dollar coin can last over 90 minutes. Not bad, heh?









Saturday, June 14, 2008

A very, very bad day

As if my week wasn't bad enough.

I was so tired that I skipped a rare drinking session at the Sky Bar, Traders Hotel with my fellow co-workers yesterday. To a person who doesn't really drink and hardly socializes, it was a chance of a lifetime. Instead I opted for a dinner session at Pho Hoa, a Vietnamese restaurant at The Curve, with another group of colleagues.

Back home, I was all but exhausted.

After an out of sorts Friday, I managed to get a good night sleep. I thought a good night sleep would have ended all miseries. I'm gonna have to think again.

Today I have to send my broken Belkin USB hub (broken power adapter to be precise) to All IT, Digital Mall. As I drive by the still-under-renovation RHB Bank just across Digital Mall, I step on the brake pedal as a car parked at the side if the road moves out right in front of me.

I don't use to park this close to Digital Mall. Getting a parking spot around the mall is usually a friggin' nightmare. I thought it would be a great chance and without second thought, I park straight into the empty spot.

At the All IT technical support booth, they accept my warranty claim. My Belkin USB hub comes with a lifetime warranty but since it's been more than a year since the purchase, they explain a 30-buck transportation fee will be required. I don't really mind the charge as it's gonna save me a trip to the unfamiliar OUG Garden.

I place the warranty documents into a plastic bag I brought along and it happens to be an All IT bag. I then walk around the store looking for a replacement USB hub. Yes I can't afford to wait for the broken one to get repaired.

Having made my pick, I'm on my way to the cashier, only to realize I'm not having enough cash. I return the goods to the shelf, go downstairs and across the street to the nearby RHB Bank.

Did I mention the RHB Bank was under renovation? The work makes ATM machines in the bank inaccessible. I head back to Digital Mall with frustration and get the cash I need from an ATM machine on the ground floor, costing me some several minutes which proved to be precious later in the day.

Back at All IT, I went back to the shelf to get my stuff. As I bend down to reach for one of the items, my glasses catches a shelf hanger, leaving a 5cm scratch mark on the right lens. Ouch! It hurts. It hurts as thought it poked right into my eye. To make things worse, it's a new pair of glasses that cost me a good 700 bucks and I got it just a month ago.

Check out that mark man! It's 5cm in length, and it's permanent!
(I'm actually pretty impressed by my Canon Powershot S2's Super Macro mode. Awesome close-up!)

Finally I'm done with my shopping, paid for the stuff and about to make a move, but something isn't feeling right. It was then only I realize the plastic bag that I have been carrying is no longer in my possession and I can't remember when and where I left it behind.

I ask and look around the store, scrutinizing every corner that I have been to earlier today to no avail. After a 30-minute search I finally found it at a service desk in the store. Apparently someone must have found it and placed it there.

I have had enough today. I just wanna get out of here and leave this very building as quick as I can. My car is just right across the street and guess what? Someone is already there before I do -- an MBPJ officer. A 100-buck traffic ticket is on its way out from his little portable printer. I'm penalized for parking my vehicle at an undesignated parking space and what frustrates most is the fact that I was just minutes short.

Here's my traffic ticket. Nice layout and watermark. 2-tone printing. Not bad considering it's a, umm, government production.

Guess what? Mr. Officer and I share the same birth date! Woo-hoo! He's exactly one year older.

The only line on the ticket that people care most about.

Had I not left that plastic bag behind; had I not left Digital Mall to look for an ATM; had I had enough cash in the first place, I might have already been on my way home, and my glasses would still be clean, new, and scratch-free.

It's all opportunity cost.

The lenses on my glasses are under warranty, unfortunately it doesn't cover scratches, be it deliberate or unintentional. It's ok, I can live with it.

So with all these unnecessary spending, am I still getting myself a new Pocket PC phone?

Hell no!